Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blogging:Take 2!!!

So we sorta disappeared off the blogosphere(?) and now we are back!!!! :) Thanks to Courtney and Liz for suggesting I get back into. Maybe if I am lucky one day Sergio will sit down and write a post to!! lol Though he is next to me right now as I write this! He likes our new layout and even helped with a title for this post! Woohooo! Go Team!! We are such a cheesy couple haha

Our last post was about a year ago, when DC had just turned 2! Now DC just turned 3 years old and Cisco just turned 4 in December. It is really hard to believe Sergio and I have had these pups for so long! We have had a busy year including: Sergio changing jobs, I finished my Master's degree in Exceptional Student Education, we moved to downtown Miami for 6 months then moved back to Pembroke Pines, and the biggest news.... WE GOT ENGAGED!! Lots of exciting things happening for us!!:) I will post a mini-recap of the past year to catch our blog up to speed- with hopes that I keep up with it better this time around!:)

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